What I don't understand though, is how could God's world be named as Chaos, when chaos means a state of extreme confusion and disorder. God is perfect and I cannot imagine His world with disorder and confusion.
Religions tend to see the world divided into 3 levels, Heaven, Earth and the Underworld. They are connected by axis mundi which is a vertical feature that symbolises the centre of the world and connects the 3 cosmic levels together. For example, the medieval map below is an example of axis mundi because it connects the chaos realm (God) to the Sacred realm - Earth (Jerusalem).
A second example is the light memorial for the world trade centre, 2002, because the light connects/points to the Heavens, the Earth and the Underworld. It is also a sacred space because many people come to the light memorial to seek God and to remember those who died in 9/11.
I don't know whether the light memorial was a good idea, because I think that the public would think of it as a tourist attraction, and forget those who died or was injured in 9/11. I think a nice garden or park would have been a much more successful memorial.
Sacred space can include Imago Mundi (image of the world) which is a term to describe how people attempt to represent the connection of earth with the divine. The picture below is the shape of an old church which was built in specific way (a cross), so that the Chaos realm could look down from heaven and see the perfect shape of a cross.
I haven't been brought up in a Christian family, in fact my dad is thoroughly against it and I am kind of scared to read a bible in his presence. My mum is kind of a christian although she doesn't go to church or anything like that. I am finding it difficult to be a christian because of these things, but I definitely believe in God and that He is my saviour.
I don't have a particular sacred space location, although when I see something truly amazing, I feel awed at what God has given us and I find myself thinking deeper. I feel like I can connect to the chaos realm easily and like I am leaving the profane world. Some music can help me to reach this mind state although after I have connected to God it kind of disappears as I am thinking.
A place where I have felt this sacred space in the past was lying on the ground looking up at the clouds. The sky is such a huge place covering the entire world with many different cloud shapes. I imagine what it would feel like to be up in the sky. This leads to me thinking about God and Heaven and I feel like I connect to the chaos realm.
Right now, as I right this blog, I am looking up at the sky to feel what I felt that day, I can see the birds, the trees, the sky and the clouds. I feel at peace with the world and I sense God. When this happens I try and pray, and I feel like the holiness is filling up my body.
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